Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a holistic system of treatment, A system based on the principle of "like curing like," which aims to treat the person as a whole..
Homeopathy originated in the late eighteenth century. The name homeopathy is derived
from two Greek words that mean "like disease." The system is based on the idea that
substances that produce symptoms of sickness in healthy people will have a curative
effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who exhibit those same
symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate the body's own healing
Homeopathic physicians seek to cure their patients on the physical, mental and emotional levels, and each treatment is tailored to a patient's individual needs. Homeopathy is generally a safe treatment, as it uses medicines in extremely diluted quantities, and there are usually minimal side effects. Its non-toxicity makes it a good choice for the treatment of children. Another benefit of homeopathy is the cost of treatments; homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, often a fraction of the cost of conventional drugs.Homeopathic treatment has been shown effective in treating many conditions
Opening ceremony of The HMAI Bhawan.
World Homeopathic Day 10th April .
World Homeopathic Day 10th April .
ALL India Homoeopathic Journal is being regularly published since 2007 & is widely distributed among members of THE HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF INDIA & PROFFESION at large, with the motive of serving Homoeopathy & popularizing it among common masses.
Homeopathy was founded by German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), who was much disturbed by the medical system of his time, believing that its cures were crude and some of its strong drugs and treatments did more harm than good to patients. Hahnemann performed experiments on himself using Peruvian bark, which contains quinine, a malaria remedy. He concluded that in a healthy person, quinine creates the same symptoms as malaria, including fevers and chills, which is the reason why it is effective as a remedy. He then began to analyze the remedies available in nature by what he called provings. Provings of homeopathic remedies are still compiled by dosing healthy adults with various substances and documenting the results, in terms of the dose needed to produce the symptoms and the length of the dose's effectiveness. The provings are collected in large homeopathic references called materia medica or materials of medicine.
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